Caper — Studio Ochenta



This is Caper, an original multilingual true-crime series from award-winning podcast team at Studio Ochenta.

Join us on our journey, as we delve deep into the most outstanding heist stories form all over the world. In each episode, we'll introduce you to professional criminals, robbers, and improvised thieves, and tell you the story of solved and unsolved thefts... and what they meant to the world.

Available in English, Spanish, Italian and German.







Caper (English)

This is Caper, an original multilingual true-crime series from the award-winning podcast team at Studio Ochenta. Listen in English every Wednesday wherever you get your podcasts. You can find transcripts by clicking on the episode titles below.

Caper, el arte del robo (Español)

Esto es Caper: El arte del robo, un podcast original de Studio Ochenta. Acompáñennos en este viaje por las historias de robos más destacadas del mundo. Escúchalo en español cada miércoles donde quiera que encuentres tus podcasts. Pueden encontrar las transcripciones de cada episodio haciendo clic en los títulos de los episodios.

Caper: L’arte del furto (Italian)

Questo è Caper - l’arte del furto. Seguiteci in un viaggio che vi porterà alla scoperta delle rapine più straordinarie di tutto il mondo. Ogni settimana a partire dal 24 novembre 2021, ovunque tu ascolti podcast. Puoi trovare le trascrizioni cliccando sui titoli degli episodi qui sotto.

Caper: Die Kunst Der Diebe (German)

Das ist Caper. Begleiten Sie uns auf unserer Reise zu den grandiosesten Raubüberfällen auf der ganzen Welt. Ab dem 24. November 2021 jede Woche eine neue Folge. Überall dort, wo es Podcasts gibt. Transkripte finden Sie, wenn Sie auf die Titel der Episoden unten klicken.


 Cast & Credits


Voice by Michelle Kelly (English), Weibke Acton (German), Chiara Santella (Italian), Andrea Garcia ( Spanish). Sound design by Chiara Santella and Luis Lopez. Senior producer: Clizia Sala, Assistant producers: Clark Marchese, Leo Ibañez and Zeina Abouelmakarem.