April 4th, 2024

Dispatch from Studio Ochenta

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital media, the leap from podcast publishing to audiobook publishing is a natural progression for content creators looking to expand their reach, as well as diversify their offerings and revenue.

At Studio Ochenta we made a successful leap into the audiobook space by understanding the synergies between the two mediums, repurposing existing content, and focusing on quality production and savvy marketing. That way, podcasters and content creators can successfully jump into the book world and captivate a whole new audience of book lovers. Take note - here are some key aspects of that transition you’ll need to take into account:

1.Understanding the Synergy

Podcasts and audiobooks share a common thread—they’re both audio-first formats that cater to audiences who enjoy consuming content on the go. This similarity lays the groundwork for a seamless transition. By leveraging the storytelling skills honed in podcasting, creators can craft compelling narratives that resonate with audiobook listeners. Having worked on multiple narrative and fiction podcasts before, at Studio Ochenta we sensed the synergy between them and audiobooks straight away.

2. Building on Existing Content

Many podcasters have tons of content that can be repurposed into audiobooks. This could be a series of episodes that tell a complete story or a collection of themed discussions that provide value in a compiled form. The key is to curate and edit the content to fit the audiobook format, ensuring a smooth and engaging listening experience.

3. Expanding the Narrative

Narrative and fiction podcasts share something with audiobooks that makes them part of the same family - both require structured approaches to its narratives. Transitioning to audiobooks may involve expanding on the topics discussed on podcasts like these, adding depth to the narrative, and providing an expanded exploration of the subject matter.

For one of our latest productions, Love, Gods and Other Intelligent Systems, we built a whole new storyline to go deeper into the most exciting questions that the original podcast Love Items poses to its characters. We also launched our non fiction podcast Caper: Ten Elements For An Awesome Heist by building on that exact same premise from the original Caper: The Art Of Robbery.

4. Professional Production Values

High-quality production is crucial in the audiobook world. This means investing in professional editing, sound design, and possibly hiring voice actors. The goal is to produce an audiobook that is not only informative and entertaining but also a pleasure to listen to.

5. Navigating the Publishing and Promotional Landscape

The audiobook market has its own set of rules and players. Understanding the distribution channels, marketing strategies, and revenue models is essential for success. Platforms like Audible, iTunes, and Google Play Books are popular outlets for audiobooks, and navigating these can help maximize reach and profitability. Each region of the world has its own preferred platforms and ways of engaging with audiobooks as well.

Promotion-wise, it is a smart strategy to leverage the podcast audience as a springboard for the audiobook. This can happen by promoting the upcoming audiobook on the podcast, offering exclusive previews, or even providing special offers to podcast subscribers that create buzz and drive sales.

The transition from podcast publishing to audiobook publishing is a journey that combines the art of storytelling with the business of publishing, offering a unique opportunity to grow and thrive in the digital content space.

Curious to learn more about how Ochenta is transforming podcasts into audiobooks?

Want to come along for the ride? Discover our first 10 audiobook titles already available in your favorite audiobook store in English, French, Spanish and Italian:


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FYI: Studio Ochenta is a Latina-owned multilingual podcast studio dedicated to raising voices across cultures. Ochenta is home to many translated and adapted shows and audiobooks including the 2022 Lovie Award-winning podcast Adventure in Atacama, a choose-your-own-adventure series, fully adapted from Spanish to English. If you want to listen to more podcasts from our team, check out our work on
